Saturday 3 October 2015


I really wish that this photo was one of those scratch & sniff cards that were so common around here a couple of years ago.  Why do I wish that?  Well because research shows that odours are especially effective as memory triggers.  More so even than cues from our other senses, such as sights, songs, music or other sounds.  This, I have read, is known as  "odour evoked autobiographical memory".  It is also known as the "Proust phenomenon", after the French writer, Marcel Proust.  OK, now that we have all that brainy stuff out of the way, let's get on with the important things, i.e. this picture!

The picture, submitted by Jackie ENGLISH Guzzwell, was taken in June 1958.  It is a picture of Sr Immaculata's wonderful  Cooking Class. Can you remember how, every Friday afternoon, we all put on those funny little caps & trudged off to the Domestic Science Room which, I must say, was very well appointed & equipped.  We would then spend the next hour or so whipping up something from the inspired and inspiring culinary repertoire of Sr Immaculata.  Sit back, close your eyes and savour once more those tantalising aromas!

In between scoldings for whoever had sneaked into the store cupboard and eaten all the chocolate chips, burnt the sauce or broken the serving dish, we also had lessons on how to  set a table properly.  All those spoons, forks and knives!  Would we ever remember which came first?  Sure we would.  Sister told us it was easy - you just started from the outside and worked in.

What about all that fudge?  We made pounds and pounds of it for the Annual Sale of Work.  Good grief, who bought it?  Did they actually EAT it? 

Sr Immaculata's Cooking Class, June 1958

It is difficult to see the girls at the back but going from the front left and working around the counter to the front right, we can identify some of the girls.  They are:
Anne Whelan, Carol Brothers, Elizabeth Flynn, Mary Glynn, Sheila Glynn, Beth Anne McAllister, Jackie English, Dianne Richards, Marina Grace, Alice Hennessey,  Judy Comerford, Sheila Bulger, Alice Prim, Elizabeth Meaney, (?), Marie Kennedy, Margaret Morrissey,  Geraldine Hearn, Betty Simms, Loretta Maher, (?), Patsy Walsh, Eileen Maher, (?)
Standing behind are (?), (?), Patsy Stafford, Bernice Rose, Brenda Tracey, (?), Cynthia Reddy, (?), Catherine Howell, Barbara Sharpe, Eleanor Simms, Alana Graham, Elizabeth Healey, (?), Anne Frizzell

If you can help with names, send them to  us at  and we will be very happy to add or correct a name.  We would also love to hear your reminiscences of cooking with Sr Immaculata.

Thanks Jackie for bringing back some wonderful memories.  Who needs scratch and sniff cards anyway?

1 comment:

  1. The presentation sisters made the best fudge and sold it all every year at school day,
